Moshe; is a man of IRON BALLS he can handle most any jw wearing a yarmulke or SOMBARARO. why ? he knows his stuff. and is not a crybaby apostate. like many here on jwd. alot of x jw's here are scared of persons like Moshe. BECAUSE they don't have IRON BALLS. and cry how then wt is killing them inside., WHO WERE THOSE $HITASSES Moshe stood up to at the KINGDUMB HALL . nothing but a bunch of CRYBABIES.looking for elder TOILET BOWL cleaner to BAIL THEM OUT OF THE $HIT they don't know how to preach. after 35 years going door to door jw's are a total joke. al it takes is a little balls...............john
johnny cip
JoinedPosts by johnny cip
Moshe visits a KH today- did he walk out or was he thrown out?
by moshe ini walked in about 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting- i sure looked like an unusual visitor wearing my best jeans a golf shirt and my yarmulke.. the first brother who approached me was an slighly built late middle age guy- he gave me a big hello and extended his hand.
i pulled out my 'end of false religion tract' and showed it to him.
"did you put this in my door?
Moshe calls bro Sinutko- Grrr!
by moshe ini read the thread a few days ago about co, & do charles sinutko and his famous 1967 talk that ended with "stay alive 'till 1975".
it brought back a flood of memories.
i listened to his talks - randy has plenty of them on his website, too-
johnny cip
SKAlly wagger BE NICE. you wouldn't want to give any old overseers. a heart attack. and go to jail for MANSLAUGTHER. bringing up old false teaching from JEHOVAH HONEST ORG????? the FAITHFUL AND FULL OF$%$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ slave. you could get life as an honest truthful apostate. by the way charlie told me he's not embarassed about preaching 1975 and that special pioneers got not $14 a month back in the 60's but $40 a month, to give their life savings and houses/real estate to the wts to preach in some jungle in south america that the 6000 years ended in 1975. and he sticks to his delusion in 2007. i have it on tape. this guy is a pushover. and the wt is still feeding him as a special pioneer. I SAY THE U.S GOV'T SHOULD PUT THIS MANSLAUTHER IN PRISON FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE.
UZBEKISTAN: Entire JW denomination to be banned?
by kwr inuzbekistan: entire denomination to be banned?
by felix corley, forum 18 news service <>.
if, as the jehovah's witnesses increasingly fear is likely, the authorities.
johnny cip
wt wizard is right. banning the wt for what it is . is great. how many jw's were in the U.S.S.R. and eastern bloc countries. till it opened up in the 1990's only a few 1000 at most. if the United States finished off the wt in 1918. none of us would be here crying about how the wt destroyed your life. if the U.S> gov't closed the wts in the united states tomorrow. that would be a great thing. and i would throw a party. once you close the printing presses the wt is finished. to bad the wt got off the hook in 1918. that's my stance and i'll never see it different. freedom of rights or not. if i was the President of the U.S. I would write the wts. and tell them if one more jw dies from your no blood policy. i would charge all the leaders of the wts with MANSLAUGHTER. AND SHUT THEM DOWN... JOHN
Moshe calls bro Sinutko- Grrr!
by moshe ini read the thread a few days ago about co, & do charles sinutko and his famous 1967 talk that ended with "stay alive 'till 1975".
it brought back a flood of memories.
i listened to his talks - randy has plenty of them on his website, too-
johnny cip
nice work Moshe; imagine a BIG $HIT WTS REP. can't even handle himself for 10 minutes when asked a few easy questions. like he never heard about 1975, and no he never spoke about 100's of times. and we only have a few tapes of him promising 1975, imagine how many times he promised such PROPER SPRITUAL FOOD AT THE PROPER TIME, STRAIGHT FROM JEHOVAH'S TABLE. YUM YUM. old Moshe gave him a case of spritual food poisoning. straight from his own talks. and there is nothing wrong with knocking on this jw's door to have a bible talk with him. your not going to get arrested. unless you keep knocking after he asks you to leave. and nothing like a little telephone witnessing. it's right in the wt mag's. john
Need LOGICAL PRESENTATION that FDS is BS- talk w/2 elders wanting to help
by AWAKE&WATCHING inmy best friend showed up where i work to see what's going on with me.
i haven't called her since she told an elder at my hall that i was falling out of the truth, little does she know i've fallen and i don't want to get up.. i told her i had now done my research and i absolutely don't believe it.
she said she didn't want to hear my apostate stuff.
johnny cip
martin it looks like] Arthur e]xpose]d you pre]tty e]asy. as for the] talk with the] jw's it's an simple] talk. just k]ee]p bringing up e]ve]ry false] te]aching and prophe]cy you can think of . and ke]]ep asking the] same] ? ov]er and ove]r . was that false] te]aching true]ly food from je]hovahs table]? christ told the]m to print that junk? or was it the] holy sprit? that lie] was prop]er spritual food at the] prope]r time]? you know god hat]es a false] witne]ss right? just ke]e]p going ove]r the] same] line]s ove]r and ov]er. you can't lose]. insult the]m for thie]r lack of accurate] knowle]dge] about what the] wt pre]ach]es . how the] wt lie]s about thie]r history. its e]asy you hav]e to e]mbarras the]m. should tak]e about 15 minute]s. its like] taking candy from a baby. just ke]e]p asking the] sam]e que]stions. ie] did jah r]eally t]ell the] wt to say the] world was to ]end in 1925. if no the]m why do the] wt lie] about it today. you should b]e having th]ese] dop]es standing on th]eir he]ads in minute]s turning purpl]e. john
johnny cip
right ne]xt to be]th]el patte]rson is a plac]e that se]lls out door yard orname]nts e]tc. it a big place] and right in front ne]xt to the] road the]y have] a long line] of re]ligous statue]s. that has to piss off b]ethe]l. you c an't miss the]m driving by at 55 mph.
Jws working my neighborhood...
by mrsjones5 inand i missed them again.
last time i saw them walking down the other side of my street.
today they stopped by when i was out and i missed them by about ten or twenty minutes and no they didn't leave any mags.
johnny cip
mrs. jone]s you ne]e]d to stop at the] local hall and invite] th]em ove]r for a study. so you can play Cat and mouse] with the]m. tie] the]m into a chair and make] the]m swe]at for an hour of time] . i would love] to watch you work th]em for a hour. i fact i would pay to just list]en.john don'
by Seeker4 inbarbara anderson has just released a new book on cd that contains some 5000 pages of public court records from the nine lawsuits involving 16 victims that the wts settled secretly in may of this year, plus documents from two other cases the society settled in 2000 and 2006.. .
its called secrets of pedophilia in an american religion: jehovahs witnesses in crisis.. .
the book, and more info from barbara about it, is available here:.
johnny cip
I'll just chime] in on this fast. just had a one] hour talk with my mom( non jw) and my dad jw. one] the] phone] about this child se]x abuse] stuff. and othe]r wt topics. brings up the] ne]w 5000 page]s of court case]s re]l,e]ase]d w]ell i told mom about some] the] ne]w transcrriptsd and she] we]nt to town with it. t have] about how my dad would prot]ect's the] wt if a jw touiche]d one] of my grandchildre]n. if th]e kid didn't have] 2 witne]ss]es. it a long story but dad the] jw. we]nt to hide] in th]e bathroom. sorry for the] rotte]n typing but in n]ee]d a ne]w ke]y board.
My hubby just laid down some rules to my elder dad
by Es inrecently an elder called mike's mob phone wanting to speak to me, the only person who could have passed on that info was my elder dad.
mike has been waiting for my dad to call him to arrange to see the kids, as he wont deal with me at all.
so mike said to him i dont appreciate you giving our number out to the elders, we want nothing to do with them or your religion etc... mike than called me and said there was so much more i wanted to tell him.. i get a phone call about 30 mins later, mike had rang my dad and said if you want to see your grandkids then there are a few rules you will need to follow, 1. dont ever give out our personal details (which my dad apologised for and acknowldeged that he shouldnt have done that ) and 2. if you want to see your grandkids you need to speak to your daughter, you can msg her phone or even speak to her.
johnny cip
good on your man. i'd make it even harder. and say you don't see the kids, till you treat you daughter , with respect for al at least 6 months, es has to be comfortable that your acting like a father to her, without any reliogous,bible,wts, bullcrap, then after you say your sorry to ES for about 6 monthsd and really mean it. And stop acting like a brainwashed idolizer of a book publishiong co. we might let you see the kids. i would but him through the wriger for all the hurt he gave your wife. john
All current JWs: What is this?
by AuldSoul inthe bible students in 1918 numbered very few, fewer than 6,000. within three years, the number tripled.. the "intriguing subject" they proclaimed from 1918 through 1922 was "millions now living will never die.
" upwards of 70,000 attended to hear this message proclaimed in germany alone.
the talk series had a longer title, "the world has endedmillions now living will never die.
johnny cip
it's always the same thing with anyone trying to say the wts was never a false prophet, ever a prophet to begin with, just make mistakes in the name of JEHOVAH ETC ,ETC. ETC... heard all the TWISTED WT LIES 1000'S OF times. on paragraph they are prophets, the only one to speak for god. then 2 pages later, they are only mortal men that make mistakes. rolf. in time any jw or x jw that tries to defend the wt lies about wt prophecy. will just melt away . and look for a new subject , theY can WIGGLE OUT OF. with out LOSING FACE. JOHN